Buckno Lisicky & Company

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Serving our region over 50 years!

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Construction & Contracting

Buckno Lisicky & Company offers you a wealth of experience in accurately tracking and managing costs, which are critical to construction managers, general contractors, and subcontracting firms of all sizes. We will:

  • Structure a comprehensive cost accounting systems including a percentage of completion, completed contract and job cost review system
  • Develop and review inventory controls
  • Provide expertise in billing methods including:
    • Back charges
    • Unit price and cost-plus contracts
    • Percentage-of-completion and completed contract accounting
    • Auditing and analysis of financial reporting and disclosures
  • Indirect cost allocations
  • Job gain/fade analysis
  • Financing and bonding applications
  • Lease/buy decisions for equipment acquisition
  • Prevailing wage/ Davis Bacon Act issues
  • Evaluate the most strategic cost method for tax purposes
  • Cost Segregation Services